COVID-19 Update
Our hearts and thoughts are with all whom have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. The rhiza A+D team will continue to work remotely following Governor Browns “Stay Home , Stay Save” directive. We strongly support the efforts of our local health officials and government leaders working to contain the spread of the virus. Our focus remains on the health and well being of our employees, customers, vendors and community.
While our studio-office is closed to the public we are working remotely and remain available to welcome new inquires through this website site at CONTACT as well as through Instagram @rhizaaplusd. Our shop is operating intermittently and at a single user reduced capacity due to strictly following social distancing guidelines. If you need to make a delivery or are picking up please contact us via email or phone ahead of time to schedule a time.
Amid the disruption and uncertainty of this difficult time, we truly value your business and are committed to continuing to provide services to help keep your current, new projects and businesses moving forward. Please stay safe and look after your family, friends, and neighbors. We will get through this together.
Sincerely the Team and rhiza A+D.